Copper's Cat Commune is a nonprofit cat sanctuary dedicated to the lifetime care of a limited population of ill, disabled, or otherwise adoption challenged cats, the adoption of as many of those cats as can be reasonably done, as well as the promotion of TNR programs and feline behavioral therapy.

Meet Our Residents
Allura was adopted from Smart Rescue by Matt and Mimi as a personal pet in 2022. She is a showstopper - solid white, with bright blue eyes that captured the Baker’s hearts. But her coloring is a clue to Allura’s differences, she is profoundly deaf -
In 2017 Prissy was living feral with another cat outside an apartment complex in Houston being cared for by one of the residents. When Hurricane Harvey made landfall the apartment complex flooded and Prissy’s caregiver knew she needed to move. Unwilling to leave the feral cats she loved behind to fend for themse
In 2021 Czar’s owner brought him to the veterinarian concerned that he was ill. The vets and his owner were both surprised when Czar, at not even two years old, was diagnosed with diabetes. Faced with the prospect of daily injections and blood sugar management, Czar’s people asked the vets for euthanasia, but the doctors were determined to save such a young, sweet cat.
In 2022 Copper’s Cat Commune arranged to swap several adoptable cats with Texas Litter Control for two cats struggling to find homes. Pete was living unhappily in the TLC shelter, where as an FIV+ cat he was overlooked by potential adopters. While FIV may increase health complications as he ages today he is healthy and thriving at the Commune.
In 2022 Trooper was taken in by Texas Litter Control after being attacked by a dog. TLC tended his wounds and made sure he pulled through. As a feral cat they did not want to return Trooper to an unsafe environment where he could be attacked again, so TLC reached out to the Commune to find Trooper a soft landing.
In 2022 Copper’s Cat Commune arranged to swap several adoptable cats with Texas Litter Control for two cats struggling to find homes. Monique was living unhappily in the TLC shelter, where as an FIV+ cat she was overlooked by potential adoptors. While FIV may increase health complications as she ages today she is healthy and thriving at the Commune.
Milo is a very feral boy who was living an indoor life with a companion cat where he spent most of his time underneath his owners bed. Initially his caregivers hoped he would warm up to people but as time passed and his friend learned to trust Milo remained resolutely not a people cat.
Casper was brought to the Commune in 2018 due to chronic conjunctivitis. Because his eyes often require daily medication his family felt they could not care for him properly. Now he rests comfortably at the commune with meds available whenever he needs them.
A feral colony was living peacefully in a field next to a busy street, when a new property owner purchased an adjacent building. With plans for a food production plant he told the colony’s caretaker Marylin that the cats would have to leave or face hostile conditions. Distressed, Marylin reached out to Copper’s Cat Commune
Escape was living in a feral colony in a field next to a busy street. When a new property owner purchased an adjacent building with plans for a food production plant he told the colony’s caretaker Maylin that the cats would have to leave or face hostile conditions. Distressed, Marylin reached out to Copper’s Cat Commune and offered to build an enclosure and help maintain the cats if the Commune would provide her colony safe haven.
Sylvie came to the Commune after a toxoplasmosis infection left her with neurological problems. During her recovery she often experienced moments where she seemed absent and not taking in what was around her. Over her time at the Commune Sylvie’s neurological symptoms have diminished and now she is fat and happy.
In 2017 Copper’s Cat Commune responded to an urgent plea from a local colony caregiver - the cats she fed and TNR’d were under attack. Someone had begun shooting feral cats; in total 5 cats sustained wounds. The Commune sprang into action providing medical attentio
Leila is a semi-feral girl who lived with a loving family who could no longer keep her. Because she is cautious of humans her owners were concerned how she would fare being rehomed, but the Commune is a place where we meet cats where they are.
Betty White came to the Commune from a feral colony covered in mange. Because she is feral she was kept confined while undergoing treatment and healing from her skin infenction. The plan was initially to return to her feral colony but shortly after her arrival in 2023 Matt was hospitalized
Anna came to the Commune from a feral colony covered in mange. Because she is feral she was kept confined while undergoing treatment and healing from her skin infenction. The plan was initially to return to her feral colony but shortly after her arrival in 2023 Matt was hospitalized
Pico de Gato was born to a neighborhood stray taken in by a good samaritan. While four of the kittens in his litter were healthy and quickly adopted, Pico struggled to find a home. From the time he was able to move around his foster family noticed that his back legs didn’t function the same way as his siblings.
Some might say Butterscotch Lollipop was born unlucky. Afterall he was born paralyzed; from the beginning his little back legs just did not work. Unluckier still he was born in rural Texas where there are not many opportunities for a paraplegic cat to thrive. But Butters is a lucky boy, he was
ady was in bad shape before she came to the Commune as a one year old kitten - unspayed, covered in fleas, and suffering from uncontrolled seizures. Surrendered by her owner, Lady immediately received medical care
Tater was released to the clinic where Mimi works after being found roaming the streets as a declawed cat. The Commune was the perfect soft landing for Tater as he suffers from stomatitis.
Riker is a personal pet of Matt and Mimi’s. Late in 2023 Riker was surrendered to the clinic where Mimi works due to severe health issues.
In 2024 the Commune was contacted by an elderly man to secure hosing for his aging cat. As he could no longer care for Teresa
Hiccup was found all alone outside when he was only around six weeks old. Paralyzed from birth he was likely unable to keep up with his siblings.
Millie is something of a mystery, she came to Copper’s Cat Commune in 2018 when she was around a year and half old. Her previous owners surrendered her as they were unable to meet her needs.
Just like her BFF Trill, Lady Gaga needed a few extra lives to find her forever place. In 2020 Lady Gaga was born in California suffering from Manx syndrome; this genetic condition causes a short stubby tail or in severe cases like Gaga’s no tail at all, and compromised bowel and bladder function.
Sometimes a cat needs nine lives and then a few more. When a young cat with neurologic problems and megacolon came in, the team at the 9 Lives Foundation in California knew they had to give her a chance. In loving foster care Trill began medications for megacolon, but because she suffers from bladder and bowel leaks the team struggled to find the right home for her.
Flash was a cat we trapped during a TNR situation. He had some bad eye infections so we opted to hang on to him until he was cured. Unfortunately his eye issues proved to be chronic but he had become more friendly during this time and we let him stay.
Despite facing some challenges, Sparky's spirit is unbeatable, and he fits right in with our amazing Soggy Bottom Crew.
Rose Tyler was named so after the companion from Dr. Who. She is just wibbly-wobbly. She wobbles and shakes when she walks, often falling over. Despite this, she is an energetic, happy girl. She is also fearless and fierce.
One day Mr. Chibbs arrived at work with the intent of helping save lives. For many years (in cat time), he had been a blood donor and was proud of the work he was doing. Unfortunately, Mr. Chibbs arrived to a pink slip and an eviction notice.
Aust used to live with his beloed owner n a warehouse apartment. His owner was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He set up a fund for the care of Aust and his other 4 cats. After he passed, all 5 cats were cared for by a petsitter for an entire year. The petsitter knew about the Commune and suggested us as a permanent home for the cats.

Jason, Tonks, Hiccup and Butterscotch Lollipop are each thriving at Copper’s Cat Commune thanks to Aries, thanks to Mimi, thanks to the Commune, thanks to You. Today you can give them another day of gentle care, another morning with a full belly, another afternoon of sunbeams, another night of love.
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