Paraplegic Cats

Paraplegic cats are cats who cannot walk with their hind legs. It is a simple enough statement, but it has so much more involvement than that.

Cat paraplegia is usually caused by damage to the spinal nerve. This can happen due to trauma or they can be born that way. Many times if they are born that way, there are other internal issues that will cause an early death. Some make it to adulthood, however, but usually need specialized care for the rest of their lives.

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Mimi Baker
Gearing Up For Halloween!

I have an adoring love for all things Halloween - except Pumpkin Spice. Pumpkin spice should be used for pumpkin pies and breads and other baked goods, not every single thing on the planet! Ok, off my soapbox now. But seriously, I adore Halloween! It is far and away my favorite holiday!

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Mimi Baker
So, What Do We Mean By "Special Needs?"

Special needs. The online dictionary only comes up with a definition regarding the education of children. That being said, our definition of special needs has to be what is pertinent to the Commune. Here, special needs cats are any cats who are adoption challenged, usually through health or behavior concerns.

Here are some brief examples of the types of special needs cats we care for here at Copper’s Cat Commune. There will be more extensive posts about each type coming soon.

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