Gearing Up For Halloween!
I have an adoring love for all things Halloween - except Pumpkin Spice. Pumpkin spice should be used for pumpkin pies and breads and other baked goods, not every single thing on the planet! Ok, off my soapbox now. But seriously, I adore Halloween! It is far and away my favorite holiday! Ghosts, mummies, skeletons, and creepy tombstones; spiders, the size of your head, werewolves, and black cats (of course!); witches, skulls, and giant cauldrons; black, purple, green, and orange everywhere; and don’t forget the spiderwebs. The spiderwebs cover every surface; it is all like a fairyland to me!
Unfortunately, I can’t turn the Commune into part of my fairyland. The cats would simply tear the decorations down as fast as I could put them up! And while the thought of seeing Mr Meowgi bunny kicking a stuffed witch is hilarious, the rest of it is just money wasted. What we CAN do to spruce things up is bring in a little torture - specifically kitty torture! COSTUMES!!!! Just check these babies out! And don’t forget to hit the gallery at the bottom for more pictures!
Cadeuces in the Wild West!
Butterfly Banshee!
The Toothless Spider!