Welcome to the Commune family!
Your monthly donation enables the amazing Commune cats to continue living their best lives!
The Commune Catvocate program provides an avenue for monthly recurring gifts. Catvocates are crucial to the everyday success of Copper’s Cat Commune, ensuring needed stability on a monthly basis for the cats already in our care and creating opportunities for the Commune to continue saving lives in the future. Because of people like you we are able to provide the cats with everything they need. From Aries pictured here (Photo from 2015) to our tripod ferals and the paraplegics, every one of them and more owe their lives to people like you.
Your Catvocate Membership can Sponsor a specific Commune cat, honor your own beloved pet, or be dedicated to a an area of the Commune or to a loved one. If you wish to sponsor a specific cat or cats, simply type your chosen cat or cats’ name(s) where you can enter comments. For a tribute simply select the “dedicate this donation” checkbox.