

DATE OF BIRTH: 4/22/2020
PERSONALITY: Playful and affectionate
QUIRKS & HABITS: Meows incessantly to get what he wants
GOTCHA DATE: June 3, 2020

Odin came to us at the tender age of 6 weeks old. He was turned in to a local animal shelter and they contacted us. We could not turn him away. Odin had one eye that was so infected it had literally ruptured out of his head. His left eye was infected as well, though not to the same extent.

As soon as he was in our hands we got him to our vet. They immediately put him on heavy pain meds and scheduled him for surgery the next day. We took him home that night and back in the next morning.

The vet called us after they ran his bloodwork prior to surgery and warned us that he was severely anemic and may not survive the surgery, but that it was recommended to move forward anyway. Nothing would be gained by waiting.

We sat on pins and needles all morning and into the afternoon. The phone finally rang and she told us he was FINE! I (Mimi) almost cried. We went and picked him up that afternoon.

We are trying to save his other eye. He is on oral antibiotics twice daily, as well as two antibiotic eyedrops every 2 hours around the clock. We do not know if it will work or not, and Odin seems to be blind in any case. A week later (when I am writing this) There seems to be little improvement.

Odin is a cheerful, super-affectionate little guy! He is extremely cuddly and loves nothing more than to be snuggled up right next to your face. He is learning to navigate his surroundings carefully. We are letting him slowly explore small spaces, but mostly keeping him with one of us when he is not in his cage. He loves to ride around on shoulders, so keeping him with us is super easy! He is a little angel, and we are so lucky to have him here.

Colleen Summersodin