

DATE OF BIRTH: May 13, 2013
PERSONALITY: Sweet and quiet
QUIRKS & HABITS: Purrs like a chainsaw when super happy. Loves to “dig” and knead whatever is closest when he sees his favorite people.
GOTCHA DATE: May 13, 2019

Jason arrived on May 13, 2019 after a 2 week stay at a vet in College Station. Many thanks to BCS Spay for reaching out to us about his case. Jason is front declawed and was an indoor/outdoor cat in his former home. His owners brought him in to the vet paralyzed in his rear legs from unknown trauma. Tests showed no bone breakage, but a severely bruised abdomen and bladder.

Final result is that Jason is paraplegic with no bowel or bladder control. He needs to have his bladder expressed (manually squeezed like a water balloon) to eliminate urine from his body. Same with stool. His former owners were unable to deal with that situation so it was a sanctuary or euthanasia. Now he is here!

Unfortunately his injury caused enough nerve damage in his spine that he also has severe hyperesthesia. That means he has terrible pain in the back half of his body. When he got to us, even touching the hair on his lower back would cause a growling, snapping reaction from this otherwise sweet cat. Bladder expression caused such horrific pain that we decided to take another approach.

Jason started seeing an acupuncturist twice a week to reduce the hyperesthesia in the hopes that we can make bladder expression more comfortable. It definitely helped. We can pet him all the way down his spine now! The doctor reduced him to once a week. He is making visible progress every single week! For a while, he had a urinary catheter in place that gots changed every 10 days or so as long as nothing required us to do it sooner. Fortunately, despite the hyperesthesia elsewhere, Jason has zero feeling “down there,” so the catheters didn’t bother him at all. Thankfully the acupuncture made enough of a difference that he didn’t need his urinary catheter anymore. Now he gets his bladder expressed (with a little bit of grumping)! Thank you so very much for your donations - they make all of this possible!

Jason is a very quiet, sweet boy. He is confined to a cage at night, but gets to spend time in the kitchen area with everyone. He also gets to go out and about in a pet stroller as often as possible. He loves going outside, and seeing the sights! Your help might just make it possible, with his continued acupuncture treatments, for him to one day be able to scoot freely around the house like Aries!

Lindsey Gira